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  • 你爷爷,奶奶会说什么语言?
    What language can your grandparents speak?
  • 我爸爸经常去上海出差。
    My dad often goes to Shanghai for business.
  • 你会说什么外语?
    What foreign language can you speak?
  • 我在家说汉语和英语。
    I speak Chinese and English at home?
  • 你在家说什么语言?
    What language do you speak at home?
  • 我在美国出生,但是在中国长大。
    I was born in American, but grown up in China.
  • 他会说一点儿西班牙语。
    He can speak a little bit Spanish.
  • 我在家跟爸爸说英语,跟妈妈说俄语。
    I speak English with dad at home, and Russian with mum.
  • 我妈妈是家庭主妇,她不上班。
    My mum is a housewife. She doesn't go to work.
  • 我跟爸爸说俄语和德语。
    I speak Russian and German with dad.
  • 你爸爸每天几点上班?几点下班?
    What time does your dad go to work everyday? What time does he finish work?
  • 我会说英语和一点儿汉语。
    I can speak English and a little bit Chinese.
  • 我不会说德语,但是我会说一点儿法语。
    I can't speak German, but I can speak a little bit French.
  • 我爸爸每天工作都很忙。
    My dad is very busy at work everyday.
  • 我跟我的好朋友说英语。
    I speak English with my good friend.
  • 我一半是英国人,一半是西班牙人。
    I am half English and half Spanish.