
Since Until

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  • Since when does she skate?
    She skates since April
  • Until when can you stay awake?
  • Since when do you have class with Ms.Alina?
  • Since when don't you hug your ___________?
  • How long do you have to stay in quarantine if you visit Korea?
  • Until when did she play with legos?
    She played with legos until March
  • For how long did she play the piano?
    She played for 1 month.
  • Since when do you live in Monterrey?
  • Until when did she read?
    She read until April.
  • Until when can you use the ipad?
  • Until when 2021?
  • Until when are you in elementary school?
  • Since when did we start school online?
  • For how long did she play with legos?
    She played for 4 months.
  • Since when don't you see your ______________?
  • Since when do you speak English?
  • Since when does she swim?
    Since February
  • Do you like videogames? Since when?
  • How long is one year?
  • For how long did she read?
    She read for 6 months.
  • Until when did she play piano?
    She played the piano until November
  • Until when is spring?
  • Since when are you in elementary school?
  • Since when does she play basketball?
    She plays basketball since April
  • Since when have you been awake today?
  • How long is one meter?
  • For how long did she play soccer?
    She played for 3 months.
  • Until when did she play soccer?
    She played the piano until January.
  • Since when can you read?
  • Since when can you walk?
  • Until when are you in Mexico?
  • How long is one hour?
  • Since when do you have your pet?
  • How long have you spoken English?
  • How long is one month?
  • Until when do you have to go to school?
  • How long have you had a brother or a sister?
  • How long is SWAS class?
  • Since when is it hot here in Monterrey?
  • Until when do we have class today?