
Lesson 2 -Indigo- "Kat and Mouse", "Something th ...

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  • access
    Freedom or permission to enter
  • craved
    wanted intensely
  • pedestrian
    a person who is walking, someone traveling on foot;boring
  • require
    to need or demand
  • sparse
    small in number or extent;thinly scattered
  • oasis
    a place where there is water in an otherwise dry area
  • convert
    to change from one form to another
  • bland
    lacking a strong flavor
  • document
    provide written evidence (for a claim); record with documents
  • mischief
    annoying or bad behavior
  • escalate
    to go up or increase in size or intensity
  • hazy
    unclear, misty; not readily seen or understandable
  • alternate
    happening or appearing in turns
  • companions
    Friendship, company
  • navigate
    to move or direct(a ship or plane), along a certain path
  • retire
    to stop working
  • intense
    very strong;very great
  • suspend
    To hang something from above;to hold back or stop for a while
  • revert
    to go back to an earlier condition, often one that is not satisfactory
  • visual
    Having to do with sight or seeing