
Topic 4.1-4.2 and Topic 6

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  • Name the number '2' labeled in the picture.
    soma (cell body)
  • Name the letter 'E' labeled in the picture.
    synapse or neuromuscular junction
  • muscle that works opposite the agonist to return the joint to its initial position.
  • Which is a performance-related (skill-related) fitness component?
    reaction time
  • What upward movement of the shoulders called?
    elevate; elevation
  • No change in the length of the muscle; muscle generates force without changing length.
  • What percentage of values is normally distributed within + or - 1 standard deviation of the mean.
  • During the down phase of the squat, the quadriceps are in which contraction?
  • DOMS can be brought on by which type of muscle contraction?
    eccentric contraction
  • What do error bars on a graph represent?
  • Movement of the ankle elevating the sole (digging the heel).
  • Name the 3 planes of movement.
    sagital, frontal, transverse
  • Which component of fitness can best be defined as being able to "move and change direction and position of the body quickly and effectively while under control"?
  • muscle that causes the movement.
    agonist (prime mover)
  • A two-tailed t-test is conducted. Degrees of freedom are 25 and the level of confidence is .05 What is the critical value?
  • Power is the combination of force and speed.
  • What movement is the wrist moving into a palm up position?
  • Muscle is contracting while lengthening.
    eccentric contraction
  • Name the letter 'F' labeled in the picture.
    motor end plate
  • Which type of muscle fiber is depicted in the picture?
    type 2(a)
  • Describes muscles on one side of a joint relaxing while the other side is contracting.
    reciprocal inhibition
  • What is one way you can prevent DOMS?
    progress slowly
  • Name the number '3' labeled in the picture.
  • Moving a part around an axis. Ex. twisting from side to side.
  • What does DOMS stand for?
    Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
  • What is this process called?
    sliding filament theory
  • Name the number '1' labeled in the picture.
  • Contraction that causes the muscle to change length as the load remains the same. Results in 2 different changes in the muscle.
    isotonic (concentric and eccentric)
  • When the ankle rolls outward, this is called.
  • Name the 6 types of synovial joints.
    gliding, hinge, pivot, condyloid, saddle, ball and socket