
The Giver Chapters 1-12

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  • Readers learn that the community is artificially controlling their citizens when we hear about the stirrings. What is the cure for stirrings?
    A pill that the citizens take each morning.
  • True or false: With Jonas's new set of rules, he can lie?
  • What does The Giver do before he transmits the memory to Jonas that Jonas sees as a sign of power?
    He turns off the speaker on the wall.
  • What does Lily say to Jonas about his looks that Jonas considers to be rude?
    She points out how his eyes were different than most people in the community. Jonas wants his father to chastise Lily for this.
  • What does Fiona tell Jonas about her new job that is similar to how young children are treated?
    Sometimes a discipline wand is used on the old just like the young children
  • True or false: When Larissa talks about Roberto's release she says his life story was boring.
  • When children are given their front button jackets, what is it supposed to teach them?
    How to be more independent.
  • At the very start of the book, what word does Jonas use to describe how he feels about the ceremony of 12? Hint: The word starts with an A
  • True or false: With Jonas's new set of rules there is rarely time for recreation.
  • Bicycles are given at the age of 9. What does this gift indicate?
    It shows that the children are ready to start being more independent and venture away from the family unit.
  • What point of view is The Giver written in?
    Third person
  • True or false: with Jonas's new set of rules, he can take medication whenever he wants it. 
  • Who is Jonas playing catch with the first time he has a sense that he is seeing something strange?
  • What is one reason Jonas might be uncomfortable about his new responsibility?
    1) His training will be mainly alone. 2) He will experience pain. 3) The last time a receiver was chosen, it was a failure.
  • What is the assignment that Jonas's father has?
    Caring for babies
  • After his game of catch, what is the rule that Jonas breaks?
    He takes the apple home, even though he isn't supposed to.
  • Which character lets us know that a birthmother is not a very respected job in the community when she says, "Is that what you want Lily? Three lazy years and then hard physical labor until you are old?"
    Jonas's mom
  • True or false: With Jonas's new set of rules, he can be rude.
  • Name two ways people are treating Jonas differently after he becomes the receiver of memory?
    1) The crowd parts. 2)Lily doesn't smile when he waves. 3) Asher seems to be a little hesitant in their conversation. 4) The attendant stand to greet him.
  • What job is Asher given?
    Assistant to the director of recreation.
  • When does the community use the Murmur of replacement?
    When a name for a citizen who has died is being used again.
  • When the community performs the murmur of replacement, who is the character that is "replaced"?
  • What was the unique decision the community made regarding Gabe?
    Since Gabe was not quite ready to be given to a family yet, he is given another year in the nurturing center to continue to grow.
  • Name one reason the community decided to get rid of hills and snow?
    1. Hills slowed down transportation. 2. Snow made transportation difficult or impossible. 3. Snow limited the agricultural seasons.
  • At the ceremony of 12, what are the citizens given?
    They are assigned a job/responsibility
  • What are two reasons the rule about lying upsets Jonas?
    1) it is the opposite of what Jonas learned growing up. 2) He isn't sure if he can believe anything he's been told. 3) He wonders if others can lie too.
  • What assignment does Jonas's mother have?
    She is a judge in the department of justice.
  • After the first day of training, what makes Jonas's conversation with Fiona awkward?
    He can't share anything about his training even though she expects him to share more.
  • The chief elder says that Jonas does not possess a certain quality yet, what is it?
  • What are two of the feelings the community has when someone is released?
    Sadness and celebration
  • What happens at the ceremony of 12 that causes the chief elder to apologize to the community?
    She skips over Jonas when giving out the assignments, giving the community anxiety.
  • True or false: When Larissa talks about Roberto's release, she says he experienced pure happiness.
  • When Jonas is introduced as the new receiver, the community murmurs the ceremony of replacement by chanting his name. What does this show?
    This shows that Jonas's new life as receiver will replace his previous life.
  • What is the first memory that the man gives Jonas?
    Snow and a sled ride
  • What job does Fiona get assigned to?
    Working at the house of the old.