
Narrative Writing: Short Stories

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  • What is theme?
    The main idea and/or message of the story.
  • What is exposition.
    Mostly description that provides orientation, setting details and character description.
  • What principle do good short story writers observe?
    Economy: everything in the story advances the plot. No unnecessary characters or details are needed.
  • What is the problem in a narrative?
    It is the obstacles faced by the characters in the story
  • What is orientation?
    Introduction of characters and setting of the story to the readers.
  • What is a protagonist?
    The main character of a narrative.
  • What is third person limited?
    A point of view in which the narrator has insight primarily into the thoughts of the protagonist.
  • What is the mood of a story?
    How it feels: funny, hopeful, dystopian, scary.
  • What is the crisis, or climax of a story?
    The event that solves or fails to solve the problem in a definitive way.
  • Edgar Allen Poe wrote stories in this genre.
  • What is narrative?
    A real or imaginary story to entertain readers.
  • What is an antagonist?
    The enemy, rival or adversary of the main character. An antagonist doesn't have to be evil.
  • What is the denoument of a story?
    What happens after the climax or crisis.
  • What is the solution ?
    How the problems ended and the feeling of the story.
  • What is plot?
    The sequence of events in a narrative.
  • What is narrative point of view?
    Who is telling the story: usually 1st person (I) or 3rd person (he, she they).
  • What is genre?
    The type of narrative based on time, setting, mood and theme.
  • What is setting?
    Where and when the story takes place.
  • What is conflict?
    Power struggles that drive the plot and character interactions with other people, nature, society, destiny or self.
  • What is character?
    The person/animal/ things that involve as the subject of the story
  • What tense do we mostly use in narratives?
    Past Tense