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  • What part of the house is this?
    It's the balcony
  • What kind of home is this?
    This is a castle.
  • What kind of home is this?
    This is an Igloo.
  • What kind of home is this?
    This is an apartment/ flat.
  • Say the name of this part of the house and 2 objects you find here.
    The living-room. Sofa and TV
  • What is this? Tell 4 rooms you find in it.
    This is the house. You find a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, a living-room, a porch, a dining-room, etc.
  • What is this? And what objects can you find here? (2 at least)
    This is the kitchen. Cooker and fridge.
  • What objects can you see here?
    A bed, a desk, a chair, a window, a rug, pictures
  • What kind of home is this?
    This is a yurt.
  • What part of the house is this?
  • Say the name of this part of the house and 2 things that go here.
    The yard. A swimming pool and a playground.