
Industrial Revolution Review

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  • This man used the assembly line to make thousands of cars in his car factories.
    Andrew Carnegie
    Alexander Graham Bell
    Thomas Edison
    Henry Ford
  • True or False: People during the Industrial Revolution enjoyed weekends off of work.
  • This man helped give people electricity during the Industrial Revolution and made lightbulbs work better.
    Benjamin Franklin
    Thomas Edison
    Henry Ford
    Andrew Carnegie
  • During the Industrial Revolution, most children...
    went to both work and school
    worked 10-12 hour days
    attended school every day
  • Why did factories hire children to work in their factories?
    They were very tiny
    They could read well
    They were small and cheap
  • What was Chicago known for during the Industrial Revolution?
    Oil Factories
    Car factories
    Meat factories
    Steel factories
  • This man was a billionaire who made his money selling oil
    Henry Ford
    Alexander Graham Bell
    John Rockerfeller
    Andrew Carnegie
  • What nickname did people give rich businessmen during the Industrial Revolution?
    Robber Barons
  • This man got rich during the Industrial Revolution by making steel in his factories.
    Henry Ford
    Andrew Carnegie
    John Rockerfeller
    Thomas Edison
  • What was Chicago's Nickname during the Industrial Revolution?
    Windy City
    Hot Dogs of the World
    Hog Butcher of the World
  • This word means "to make goods or things"
  • Which of these men invented the telephone?
    Thomas Edison
    Alexander Graham Bell
    Andrew Carnegie
    Henry Ford
  • This word means "big change" in ideas or the way we do things.
  • This is the reason why factories finally stopped hiring children in the 1900s.
    A lot of adults lost their jobs and needed work
    The kids just weren't as good as adults at working
    Unions were furious that kids were forced to work
  • Where did most people move to during the Industrial Revolution?
    Rural Areas
  • How could you best describe the working conditions of factories during the Industrial Revolution?
    Clean and Safe
    Unsafe and clean
    Unsanitary and Unsafe