
focus 3 a story of hope

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  • What country is the mostly affected by malaria
  • When do Mosquitoes mostly bite?
    At night
  • when entering Hope's room at the hospital, what upset her classmates?
    There wasn't any mosquito net above the bed
  • Who was the one to understand that it was malaria?
    Hope, she knew it from school lessons
  • There is no treatment from malaria T/F?
  • What are the symptoms of malaria?
    headache, fever and vomiting
  • A child dies of malaria every sixty seconds- true/false
  • When did Hope's mom realised that she had malaria?
    When HOpe started to vomit
  • is malaria contagious?
  • Why did the students visit Hope?
    She's been absent from school for several weeks
  • can you get malaria from a female mosquito?
    yes, only from a female one
  • How did Hope's father try to cure his daughter?
    He gave her some herbal medicine