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  • The car is in the _________.
    The car is in the garage.
  • There isn't _____ TV in my bedroom.
    There isn't a TV in my bedroom.
  • There is a picture on the roof / wall / floor.
    There is a picture on the wall.
  • There aren't _______ cupboards in the living room.
    There aren't any cupboards in the living room.
  • The shower is in the ____________.
    The shower is in the bathroom.
  • My clothes are in the ___________.
    My clothes are in the cupboard.
  • _______ houseboat is small.
    The houseboat is small.
  • _____ _____ any furniture in the living room?
    Is there any furniture in the living room?
  • There ______ two bedrooms in the house.
    There are two bedrooms in the house.
  • There is _______ money on the table.
    There is some money on the table.
  • _____ ______ any books on the shelf?
    Are there any books on the shelf?
  • A ______ tells us the time.
    A clock tells us the time.
  • There _______ some books on the shelf.
    There are some books on the shelf.
  • The blanket / curtain / desk is on the bed.
    The blanket is on the bed.
  • ______ _______ any beds in the bathroom.
    There aren't any beds in the bathroom.
  • There are ________ posters on the wall.
    There are some posters on the wall.
  • There is ______ sink in the toilet.
    There is a sink in the toilet.
  • My computer is on my desk / pillow / mirror.
    My computer is on my desk.