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  • Which part of the microscope adjusts the amount of light entering the body tube?
  • What is number 8 pointing to?
    lamp/light source
  • What is the TOTAL magnification when working with the high power objective?
  • What is the power of the high power objective?
  • What is the magnification of the medium power objective?
  • Does an increase in magnification increase or decrease the field of view?
  • What is the TOTAL magnification when working with the low power objective?
  • What is number 14 pointing to?
  • What is number 2 pointing to?
    revolving nosepiece
  • What is number 13 pointing to?
    fine adjustment knob
  • What is number 6 pointing to?
    stage clips
  • Where is the slide placed on the microscope?
  • What is the name of the large knob used for moving the body tube or stage up and down for focusing on low power?
    coarse adjustment knob
  • Why does everything in the microscope move backwards/upside down?
    There is a mirror in the body tube that flips the images.
  • What is the TOTAL magnification when working with the medium power objective?
  • What are the lenses called on the revolving nosepiece?
    objective lenses
  • What is the magnification of the low power objective?
  • What are three things you need to do to the microscope before putting it away.
    low objective in place; body tube & stage moved as close together as possible; cord wrapped up; slide taken off stage
  • How do you calculate the total magnification of the microscope?
    multiply the magnification of the eyepiece by the magnification of the objective lens
  • Explain the appropriate way to carry a microscope.
    Hold it with one hand on the arm and the other under the base.
  • What is the magnification of the eyepiece