
English Speaking Review S5

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  • When answering a question such as, "Do you like swimming?" What is the first word you should say?
    Yes or No
  • When you want to introduce the topic, what should you say?
    Today, we are talking about or today, we are going to talk about.
  • How many minutes is the DSE discussion?
  • What should you say if you didn't clearly hear the individual response question?
    Can you repeat the question please?
  • If a group member isn't contributing to the discussion, is it your job to try to get him/her to talk?
  • What do you say when you want to ask a group member what he or she thinks?
    What do you think? How about you?
  • Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
  • Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
    ideas (& Organization)
  • Besides saying I agree with you, what other phrase could you use?
    I see your point or that's right
  • How long is the individual response in the DSE discussion?
  • Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
    Communication Strategies
  • Which category would body language, like looking at the group members or turn-taking skills fall under?
    Communication Strategies
  • If you want to disagree with a group member, how can you politely say you disagree?
    I'm sorry, I disagree.
  • What do you say when you want to move on from a point?
    Let's go/move to the next point.
  • Which category would speaking fluently and naturally fall under?
    Pronunciation (& Delivery)
  • What is the first thing you say when you start a discussion?
    Good morning, good afternoon or good evening
  • If you can use a wide variety of words, which category would you be marked under?
    Vocabulary (& Language Patterns)
  • Based on the gif, what is one category of the four you are marked on in the DSE discussion?
    Vocabulary & Language (grammar/vocabulary)
  • How many minutes do you have to prepare for the DSE discussion?
  • Which category would you be marked on the quality of your thinking?
    Ideas (& Organization)