
Book of Matthew Spring Final

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  • Where was Matthew sitting when Jesus called him?
    tax booth
  • Which ruler wanted the baby Jesus killed?
  • In the parable of the workers in the vineyard, why were some of the laborers unhappy with being paid only one penny?
    they thought the workers who worked fewer hours should receive less money
  • Who baptized Jesus?
    John the Baptist
  • How should we practice charitable works, praying, and fasting?
  • After the resurrection Jesus told the disciples to go and teach. Who were they to teach?
    all nations
  • What does Jesus say to do if your right hand causes you to sin?
    cut it off and throw it away
  • Who were Jesus earthly parents?
    Joseph and Mary
  • In chapter 13, Jesus taught in the synagogue in his own country (Nazareth). How did the people react?
    they questioned, they took offense, they wouldn't listen to him
  • Who told Joseph not to fear taking Mary as his wife?
    an angel of the Lord
  • What did Judas do with the 30 pieces of silver that he was given to betray Jesus?
    he returned it
  • Who told Joseph and Mary what name to give Jesus?
    an angel
  • Who is generally accepted to be the author of the book of Matthew?
  • When Jesus cast demons out of a man, into what animal did he send them and what did the animals do?
    pigs, ran into the sea
  • Which disciple was told to catch a fish that would hold a coin in its mouth?
  • Who were the sons of Zebedee?
    James and John
  • What were the soldiers told to say to explain the disappearance of Jesus from the tomb?
    his disciples came and stole his body
  • According to Jesus, how much faith would move mountains?
    a mustard seed
  • According to Jesus, who does one really receive when they receive a humble child in his name?
    they receive Jesus
  • Other than putting a stone in front of the tomb, what measure was taken to guard the tomb of Jesus?