
Headway Advanced - Future in the past

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  • I________ (travel) to Edinburgh that night, but my flight was cancelled.
    was travelling
  • The cinema _______ (close) in May. (finally they did)
    was to close
  • I thought I _____ (make) new friends when I moved town, and I did.
    would make
  • They ________ (start) the project on Monday but had to change plans due to an issue.
    were going to start
  • She _____________ regret her rudeness later when Maria was promoted above her.
  • We _______________ call you, but someone said you were away.
    were going to
  • He ______ (come) but he missed the train.
    was going to come
  • He promised he _____ (send) a postcard from Egypt.
    would send
  • I ____________ leave the house when I realised it was a holiday and I didn't have to go to work.
    was about to
  • Sheila _______ (suppose) to call me, but she didn't.
    was supposed
  • I ________ tell her but I didn’t get time.
    was going to
  • His boastful words ______________ come back to haunt him later.
  • They were packing their suitcases as they ______ (leave) for a holiday.
    were leaving
  • We ______________ (go) on holiday together, but two people cancelled at the last minute.
    were to have gone
  • We ______________ (meet) last week but we couldn't find time.
    were supposed to meet
  • In the 1970s, people thought the oil _____ (run out) very soon.
    would run out
  • I had a feeling that the vacation ______ (be) a disaster
    was going to be
  • I told you he _______ (come) to the party.
    was going to come
  • The movie ______ (begin) in 5 minutes so I didn´t have time to buy the tickets.
    was beginning
  • I didn’t call him because we _____ (meet) on Sunday.
    were meeting / were going to meet
  • He told me he __________ travel by bus so I’ll wait for him at the stop
    was going to
  • I knew you ______ (come) to the party.
    would come
  • I ______ (go) for a walk that afternoon, but it started raining.
    was going to go
  • The cinema _____ (close) in May. (finally they didn't)
    was to have closed