
Year 2 - Degrees of Comparison

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  • I'm _____ (good) now than yesterday.
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: FAMOUS
    more famous - the most famous
  • She is the _____ tennis player of the world. (good)
  • Who is _____ (talkative) person in your family?
    the most talkative
  • They didn't stay out as _____ as last Saturday. (late)
  • France is as ______ as Spain. (beautiful)
  • Hotels in London are _____ than in Vienna. (expensive)
    more expensive
  • This was the film _____ I have ever seen. (bad)
    the worst
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: LITTLE
    littler - the littlest
  • He was _____ (clever) thief of all.
    the cleverest
  • I think scuba diving is ______ than climbing. (fascinating)
    more fascinating
  • His company earned _____ money than the years before. (little)
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: BAD
    worse-the worst
  • They live in a really ______ house. (beautiful)
  • My brother has a ______ (tidy) room than me.
  • Bob is ____ than Keith, but Phil is the _____. (tall / tall)
    taller - the tallest
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: HAPPY
    happier - the happiest
  • Show me ____ (good) restaurant downtown.
    the best
  • Valencia played _____ (bad) than Real Madrid yesterday.
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: EXPENSIVE
    more expensive - the most expensive
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: WONDERFUL
    more wonderful - the most wonderful
  • Who is _____ (rich) woman on earth?
    the richest
  • He thinks Chinese is _____ (difficult) language in the world
    the most difficult
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: CLEVER
    cleverer - the cleverest
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: REGULAR
    more regular - the most regular
  • Cats are not _____ (intelligent) as dogs.
    as intelligent
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: EMPTY
    emptier - the emptiest
  • Give the comparative and superlative forms: EXCITING
    more exciting - the most exciting