
Civics and Logic Spring Final

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  • _________________ is used when someone tries to persuade us to think his product would make us better or make us stand out from everyone else.
    Snob appeal
  • The quality of being fair and reasonable is called what?
  • With what is the electricity from our homes and businesses produced? List 3
    coal, nuclear energy, solar energy, petroleum, wind farms, hydroelectric dams
  • What department of the federal executive branch spends almost 1/4 of the federal budget?
    Department of Health and Human Services
  • Does a state governor have to be born in the United States?
  • What is the term for what a governor can give to set free people who are serving in state prisons?
  • Proof by _______________ fallacy is claiming something is true simply because nobody has yet given evidence to the contrary.
    lack of evidence
  • What is the official representative of a head of state to the government of another country?
  • ______________ is any strategy for spreading our beliefs or ideas.
  • What federal agency is responsible for carrying out federal laws which concern Native Americans?
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • _____________ is getting us to transfer our good or bad feelings about one thing to another unrelated thing.
  • What are the two areas of responsibility that the Secret Service has?
    Protect the president and protect visiting foreign leaders
  • The building that is the headquarters of a county government is called what?
    county courthouse
  • What trait of the heart regarding other people did Jesus have and teach his disciples to have?
  • What is the group of senior military officers that is responsible for the readiness of the US military?
    Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • How many states have Native American residents?
  • How did the telephone exchange enable telephone customers to talk to each other?
  • The government agency that requires phone companies to provide 911 service is?
    Federal Communications Commission
  • He guides what he never sees.
    Air traffic controller
  • ________________ is a propaganda technique. It is used when someone makes you fear the consequences of not doing what he wants.
    Appeal to fear
  • Federal court orders are enforced by whom?
    Federal Marshalls
  • What are the 4 branches of the US military?
    Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy
  • As of 2012, what is the average cost of building one mile of one lane road?
    3 to 4 million dollars
  • What branch of the US military works closely with the Navy and specializes in amphibious landings?
  • What is a formal, written agreement between two or more countries?
  • What act of Congress gave Native Americans citizenship and the right to vote?
    Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
  • ____________________ is when someone tries to make us do something only because we pity him or we pity something associated with him.
    Appeal to pity
  • For what is the term mass transit used?
    Transport large groups of people
  • A ______________ takes a sample from a class of things, then, using the characteristics from that sample, says something about everything in that class.
  • What program provides food and nutrition education for women expecting a baby, new mothers, and children up to age 5?
    WIC (women, infants, children)
  • _______________ is being used when nothing more than a time limit is given as a reason for us to do what someone wants.
  • From what kind of taxes does just over half of federal revenue come?
    Income tax
  • The cabinet department that brought together 22 federal security departments and agencies.
    Department of Homeland Security
  • The ________________ invites us to jump on the bandwagon and do what everybody else is doing.
  • What law enforcement officer is elected in many places by the voters?
  • The agency that helps people become citizens, adopt foreign-born children, and receive permanent resident status.
    US Citizenship and Immigration Services
  • About how many people take the GED test every year?
  • What is the name of the listing of places that the national parks service recognizes on being worthy of preservation?
    National Registry of Historic Places
  • What is the name for the practice of a higher court examining a case that was already decided by a lower court.
    Judicial Review
  • What is another term used when a city is being officially organized?
  • What does ZIP stand for in reference to ZIP codes?
    Zone Improvement Plan
  • When do mist state legislatures meet?
  • We are reasoning by _________________ when we compare 2 items with each other.
  • What are natural resources?
    Resources from the earth created by God for our use
  • What is economics?
    The study of the making, distribution, and use of products
  • What is the main way that the government pays for what it does?
  • We have technology because we have
  • What responsibility do the adults of every generation have?
    to share their beliefs, skills, and knowledge with their children
  • What is the term for goods made in the US and shipped to other countries for sale there?
  • All accepted legal procedures are followed in a case.
    Due process of the law
  • The agency that serves as the guard at our nation's borders is called what?
    US Customs and Border Protection
  • What is the term for one country saying that the government of another country is real and in control of its country?
    diplomatic recognition