
3B Gustavo Baz Fruits

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  • What color are the grapes?
  • What color is the pear?
  • Please spell the name of the fruit.
    lemon EL I EM OU EN
  • What is it?
    It is an apple
  • Please spell the name of the fuit.
    plum PI EL IU EM
  • What color is a peach?
  • What is it?
    It is melon / cantaloupe
  • Please spell the name of the fruit.
    grapes YI AR EI PI I ES
  • Please spell the name of the fruit.
    strawberry ES TI AR EI DÁBLIU BI I AR AR WAY
  • What color are cherries?
  • Please spell the name of the fruit
    watermelon DÁBLIU EI TI I AR EM I EL OU EN
  • What is it?
    It is a kiwi
  • What is it?
    It is a banana
  • What color is a mango?
  • What is it?
    It is an orange
  • What color is the pineapple?