
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Chapter 1-4

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  • Who is the author of this novella?
    Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Why is impossible to get a WANTED poster of Hyde after the murder?
    Not many are familiar with Hyde and his family cannot be found. Those who describe him, describe him differently - they only agree that he is deformed
  • Who is the policeman investigating the murder?
    Inspector Newcomen of Scotland Yard
  • Why does Jekyll tell Utterson to put "his heart at rest"?
    Jekyll assures Utterson that he can get rid of Hyde whenever he chooses
  • Where does Dr. Jekyll live?
    Cavendish Square
  • How does Mr. Hyde trample the girl?
  • When does Utterson get to talk to Jekyll about the will?
    When Utterson is at a dinner Jekyll is hosting
  • Who is Mr. Utterson and how is he described?
    A Lawyer, goes walking with Mr. Enfield, hears the story of the door from Enfield
  • Who is murdered? How is his identity revealed?
    Sir Danvers Carew is murdered and Utterson identifies him
  • How is Dr. Jekyll described?
    He is described as "a large well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty" - kind and handsome
  • Why is Mr. Enfield ashamed in Chapter 1?
    He thinks gossip is ungentlemanly.
  • In what city does the story take place?
  • Who is Poole?
    Dr. Jekyll's servant/butler
  • How does Utterson plan to meet Mr. Hyde?
    Utterson hangs around the street to catch Mr. Hyde coming or going from the house
  • How does Utterson know where to take the police?
    He knows Hyde's address
  • Mr. Utterson believes that Mr. Hyde blackmailed Dr. Jekyll- True or False
  • What is the murder weapon?
    A cane
  • Dr. Lanyon and Dr. Jekyll are still friends. True or False
  • Who signed the check?
    A very well-known and often printed name - Dr. Jekyll
  • What important clue is found at Hyde's house?
    Two things are found: a check book and half of the cane
  • Who does the weapon belong to?
  • How does Jekyll react when Utterson mentions Hyde?
    When Utterson mentions Hyde, Jekyll becomes "pale" and does not wish to hear any more about the matter
  • What does Utterson fear Hyde might do? Why?
    Utterson is afraid Hyde might kill Jekyll in order to inherit the will.
  • What does Dr. Jekyll's will stipulate (say)?
    All of his assets will be given to Mr. Hyde
  • What activity does Mr. Utterson and Enfield share?
    Sunday walks though town
  • According to Enfield, what does Hyde look like?
    He is ugly and dwarfish
  • How much money does the crowd demand for damages from the man?
    100 pounds
  • Realistic fiction is the genre of the novella. True or False
    False- Gothic Literature
  • What strange occurrence does Enfield think of when he sees the door?
    He tells the story of the man who tramples the little girl and leaves her screaming on the ground.
  • Who witnesses the murder?
    A maid servant