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  • How does the density of the moon compare to the density of Earth?
    The moon's density is similar to the density of the outer layers of Earth.
  • What are craters?
    Large, round pits
  • What is the moon's atmosphere like?
    Dry and airless (No atmosphere)
  • What is the distance across the moon?
    3476 kilometers
  • True or false: The moon's diameter is about 1/2 of Earth's diameter.
    False; 1/4
  • How big can craters be?
    Hundreds of kilometers across
  • What features are on the surface of the moon?
    Maria, craters, and highlands
  • How does the moon's mass compare to the Earth's mass?
    It is about 1/80 the mass of Earth
  • Do maria have relatively few or relatively many craters?
  • What are some of the light-colored features you can see on the moon's surface?
    Highlands or mountains
  • What is the singular of maria?
  • What are temperatures like at the moon's equator?
    130*C in direct sunlight to -170*C at night
  • Is there water on the moon?
    There is a thin layer in the moon's soil.
  • What is a meteoroid?
    A chunk of rock or dust from space
  • How do scientists think the moon formed?
    They think a large object collided with Earth and sent debris from both the object and Earth into space. Gravity caused the debris to clump up and form the moon
  • How does the gravity of the moon compare to the gravity of Earth?
    The moon's gravity is about 1/6 that of Earth's.
  • How does the size of the moon compare to the size of Earth?
    It is small.
  • Why do temperatures on the moon vary so much?
    The moon has no atmosphere.
  • What are maria?
    Dark, flat areas on the moon that are made of hardened rock formed from huge lava flows that occurred 3-4 billion years ago.
  • What caused craters on the moon?
    Impacts of meteoroids