
Part 2-Flyers

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  • Where/live? - I live in Ho Chi Minh city.
    Where do you live?
  • house/big/small?- It's small.
    Is the house big or small?
  • age? -  I'm 11 years old.
    How old are you?
  • where/homework? - She does her homework in the living room.
    Where does she do her homework?
  • how many/people? - 4 people live there
    How many people live there?
  • where/school? - It's next to the supermarket.
    Where is your school?
  • name/school? Pathway school.
    What is the name of your school?
  • age? -  The house is 25 years old.
    How old is the house?
  • book/expensive/cheap? - It's cheap.
    Is the book expensive or cheap?
  • name/book? - It's "Sherlock holmes"
    What is the name of the book?
  • colour/front door? It's white.
    What colour is the front door?
  • What/about? - It's about birds.
    What is it about?
  • sport/he/play? He plays tennis.
    What sport does he play?
  • what time/film/start? - It starts at 6 o'clock.
    What time does the film start?