
Present Simple and Present Continuous

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  • She usually _______ (wear) white shirts, but today she _______ (wear) a colorful shirt.
    wears, is wearing
  • I usually _______ (study) at school, but this month I ______ (study) from home.
    study, am studying
  • He usually _____ (visit) his grandmother, but this month he _______ (stay) at home.
    visits, is staying
  • He usually ______ (write) in his notebook, but today he ______ (write) on a piece of paper.
    writes, is writing
  • It usually _______ (rain) in the morning, but today it ______ (rain) in the evening.
    rains, is raining
  • They always _____ (talk) a lot in class, but today they ______ (study) hard.
    talk, are studying
  • I always _______ (wash) dishes after dinner, but today my sister _____ (do) it.
    wash, is doing
  • My brother usually ________ (explain) Grammar to me, but today he _______ (teach) me how to read well.
    explains, is teaching
  • My mom usually ________ (take) care of my little brother, but today my dad ______ (take) care of him because my mom is busy.
    takes, is taking
  • They always ______ (play) football in the morning, but today they ______ (play) basketball.
    play, are playing
  • I usually _______ (do) my homework at night, but this week I _______ (do) my homework in the afternoon.
    do, am doing
  • She usually _______ (walk) to school, but today her mom _________ (take) her to school.
    walks, is taking
  • He always ______ (run) in the park, but this week he _______ (walk).
    runs, is walking
  • I sometimes ______ (go) for a walk in the evening, but this evening I ________ (do) my homework.
    go, am doing
  • My brother always ________ (watch) TV, but today he _______ (play) football.
    watches, is playing
  • He usually _______ (drink) coffee in the morning, but today he _______ (drink) tea.
    drinks, is drinking
  • I usually _______ (use) my phone to study online, but this week I _______ (use) my brother's laptop.
    use, am using
  • Jennie usually ______ (go) to the supermarket, but today she _____ (go) to the market.
    goes, is going
  • I usually ______ (eat) a sandwich for breakfast, but this week I ______ (eat) rice with pork.
    eat, am eating
  • My mom usually ______ (cook), but today my dad _____ (cook).
    cooks, is cooking