
Strong medicine - chapters 1-3

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  • Who are the main characters by now?
    Detective Martinez, Latto, Deborah Spencer, Ray and Silvia
  • What's strong medicine?
    Something that is very effective but dangerous and unpleasant
  • What are Debora and Latto professions?
    They're doctors
  • How does Detective Martinez think Deborah Spencer died?
    She just died
  • Where did Silvia, Ray and Latto meet?
    At the hotel
  • Why does Ray Molinaro have to leave?
    He's got some patients waiting for him.
  • What's the name of the street Latto walked before going to Deborah's house?
    West Cliff Drive
  • With which item was Latto hit in his head?
    With a plant pot
  • What will Latto do when he sees Martinez later that day?
    He'll tell them about the book
  • Why did Latto come to visit Spencer?
    To learn more about the Parkinson's cure
  • Martinez thought the man who hit Latto was....
    a kid who realised the house was empty
  • Who is older? Detective Martinez or Latto?
  • How does Mark Latto think Deborah Spencer died?
    Someone killed her
  • What is the problem about Deborah Spencer’s book and the theft of her laptop?
    She didn’t keep copies of important things that they had on computer
  • Where does the story take place?
  • Latto went back to Deborah Spencer’s house at night because...
    he’d left his sunglasses there earlier in the day