
Past simple. Movers

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  • What is the past of MAKE? --> MADE / MAKED
  • What is the PAST of BUY? --> BUYED / BOUGHT / BAUGHT
  • What is the PAST of HAVE? --> HAVED / HAD
  • Did you listen to music yesterday?
    Yes, I listened to music yesterday / No, I didn't listen to music yesterday
  • Is the verb "drink" regular or irregular?
  • Transform this sentence to NEGATIVE: " We saw Pedro last friday"
    We DIDN'T see Pedro last friday
  • What is the past of dance? --> Donce / Danced
  • Where did you go on your last vacation?
    I went to ___________ on my last vacation
  • What did you eat yesterdat night?
    I ate _________ yesterday night
  • Is the verb "open" regular or irregular?
  • Did you wake up at 6 o'clock this morning?
    Yes, I... / No, I didn't
  • Transform this sentence into the PAST: We are angry with the teacher
    We were angry with the teacher
  • Transform this sentence into a QUESTION: "Lucía didn't come to class last week"
    Did Lucía come to class last week?