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  • Used in buildings to reduce the shakes of earthquakes
  • This is the upper part of the earth and comprises of the crust and the upper part of the mantle
  • The place where the most damage is caused from an earthquake
  • Oceanic crust is more dense and is made of this rock-name the rock.
  • The name for a plate boundary where plates separate AND named a location of this.
    Constructive plate boundary-Mid Atlantic Ridge
  • The name of the waves that are released once an earthquake occurs
    Seismic waves
  • The name for a gentle sloping volcano with gentle eruptions where the lava can flow for long distances
    Shield volcano
  • The name of a plate boundary where plates collide (oceanic/continental) AND a feature that is created.
    Destructive plate boundary-Volcano
  • A scale that is the measurement of the magnitude of the earthquake.
    Richter Scale
  • Cause, Effect or Response: A small volcanic eruption was recorded nearby after the earthquake
  • Continental crust is less dense and is made of this rock-name the rock.
  • 2 benefits of living by volcanoes
    Fertile land-farmers/ tourism-economy/Geothermal energy/minerals
  • Name the plate that has Europe and Asia on it.
    Eurasian Plate
  • The name for a steep sided volcano that is fast flowing and explosive
    Composite volcano
  • Name a plate boundary where two plates of similar density collide (continental/continental)
    Collision boundary
  • Name the currents that responsible for continental drift
  • The place where an earthquake begins
  • A part of the earth that is made of iron and nicklel
  • The name of the island that we did a case study on about a volcanic eruption.
  • Cause, Effect or Response :Liquefaction ( is a phenomenon in which the strength and stiffness of a soil is reduced by earthquake shaking or other rapid loading)