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  • Butterflies in my stomach
    To feel nervous about something you are going to do
  • Don't make a mountain out of a molehill
    To make something that is a sight problem into a serious problem
  • When the cat's away the mice will play
    When someone important leaves, people start to misbehave
  • Do you have ants in your pants?
    Are you worried, anxious, excited or nervous?
  • Bug off
    To stop annoying someone and leave
  • Cat nap
    Brief but restful period of sleep
  • Under my nose
    Something clearly visible not noticed
  • When pigs fly
    it will never happen
  • Play it by ear
    To do something with little preparation and hope for the best
  • When it rains it pours
    When one bad thing happens more bad things happen
  • It is raining cats and dogs
    Heavy rain that is loud like cats and dogs
  • Spill the beans
    Tell a secret or reveal something too early
  • Break a leg
    Good Luck
  • Two heads are better than one
    It helps to have a second opinion
  • Piece of cake mean?
    Something is easy
  • Zip your lips
    Be quiet or stop talking
  • Couch potato
    Someone who is inactive
  • Hit the books
    To study very hard
  • Give me a hand
    Provide help/assistance
  • Rub you the wrong way
    To cause someone to be angry or annoyed
  • Drawing a blank
    Forgot Something
  • Feeling under the weather
    Not feeling well
  • You're pulling my leg
    To tease someone
  • I'm in a pickle
    In a difficult situation
  • Cooking up a storm
    To do a lot of cooking at once
  • I'm all ears
    ready and eager to listen