
Dia de los Muertos

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  • What is the name of the Mexican Capital
    Mexico City
  • What are two ways people celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
    People attend parades with folklorico dancers, listen to mariachi, or participate in the Running of the Chihuahuas.
  • What is the "Ring of Fire"?
    the most prominent volcano and earthquake region
  • What are the colors of the Mexican Flag
    Green- White-Red
  • True or False-Cinco de Mayo became popular in the United States as a way to celebrate Mexican heritage.
  • What is the name of a person that is mixed of native American and Spanish
  • True or False-Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day
  • the popular musicians who play folk music are called?
  • What animals are common in the ocean near the Yucatan Peninsula
    Whales, manta rays and manatees
  • Mexico is located in
    North America
  • What does Cinco de Mayo celebrate?
    The battle of Puebla
  • What is the Name of the Mexican money
    Peso Mexicano
  • What is the drink that was considered sacred by the Aztecs
  • Mexico is one of the world's top travel destinations due to
    Great Attractions like the pyramids and sandy beaches
  • Few nations on Earth support as many plant and animal species as Mexico True-False
  • What are the names of the two important ancient civilizations of Mexico
    Aztec and Maya
  • How many avocados are eaten by Americans on Cinco de Mayo?
    81 million pounds
  • What is the official language in Mexico