
Conduction and Convection - Lesson 3

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  • Explain how convection works when you open the door of a warm oven
    When you open the oven door, warm air particles inside move upward into the rest of the kitchen. Cool air in the kitchen will enter the oven and be warmed
  • Air can move in a circle called a ______________________
    Convection current
  • When solids like your head and pillow touch (and transfer thermal energy), how does the energy move by?
  • Give another example of conduction (besides the head and pillow example)
    Thermal energy transfers from: a warm bird to cooler eggs on a nest a hot mug of coffee on your cool hands the hot concrete on your cool feet at Mimi's pool
  • A ___________ is a substance through which heat is easily transferred (like metal)
  • Thermal energy flows from something _____ to something _____.
    warm to cool
  • True or False: Hot soup warming a cold spoon is an example of conduction.
  • When the oven is on and it makes the kitchen hot, heat moves through the room from _______________
  • An ______________ is a substance through which heat does not easily flow from particle to particle (like wood or plastic)
  • What is the transfer of thermal energy as matter moves?
  • Hot air is (more or less) dense than cool air
    Hot air is LESS dense than cool air
  • True or False: Hot air rises since it is less dense.
    True. Hot air rises Think about hot upstairs is sometimes warmer than downstairs
  • ___________ the transfer of heat that occurs when one thing touches another
  • What is an example of a convection current?
    A hot air balloon Greenhouse effect
  • True or False: Conduction is the transfer of heat that occurs when one thing sits next to another?
    False! Conduction is the transfer of heat when one thing TOUCHES another
  • In convection, a __________ or __________ moves from place to place
    Gas or liquid
  • A warm hand warming a cold glass of lemonade is an example of what?
  • Cool air from the kitchen will enter the oven to be __________
    Warmed up
  • Explain how thermal energy is transferred when you put your head on a cool pillow.
    Thermal energy is transferred from your body (which is warm) to the pillow (which is cool).
  • Explain a convection current
    Air moving in a circle: warming, being pushed up, cooling, sinking, then warming again
  • True or False: Convection is the transfer of thermal energy when objects touch?
    False! Convection is the transfer of thermal energy as matter moves
  • Heat is a form of ____________