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  • 我妈妈有时候开车送我上学,有时候骑车送我上学。
    My mum sends me to school sometimes by car, sometimes by bike.
  • 我爸爸是全家人里最高的
    My dad is the tallest in our family.
  • 没人喜欢这本书
    No one/Nobody likes this book.
  • 我和我爸爸一样高
    I am as tall as my dad.
  • 我几乎不看电视
    I hardly ever watch TV.
  • 他是我最好的朋友
    He is my best friend.
  • outgoing
    more -- the most ---
  • 你认识性格有趣的人吗?
    Do you know anybody funny/interesting?
  • 我每年去一次泰国
    I go to Tailand once every year.
  • 你认识个子高的人吗?
    Do you know anyone tall?
  • 你总是迟到吗?
    Are you always late?
  • 一周一次
    once a week
  • 有人喜欢你!
    Someone/ Somebody like you!
  • 我没有一点钱
    I don't have any money.
  • 我的手表出问题了
    Something is wrong with my watch.
  • 每三天一次
    once every three days
  • 没人喜欢这本书
    Noone/Nobody likes this book.
  • 我妈妈是全家人里最矮的。
    My mum is the shortest in our family.
  • 你需要喝茶吗?
    Would you like some tea?
  • fat
    fatter fattest
  • 今天的天气是最糟糕的
    Today's weather is the worst (of all).
  • big
    bigger biggest
  • 我妈妈是全家人里最矮的。
    My mum is the shortest in our family.
  • 他没有像张鹏一样早来学校
    He doesn't come to school as early as ZhangPen.
  • 我有一些坏消息要告诉你们
    I have something bad to tell you
  • 她是全校最好的老师
    She is the best teacher in school.
  • 他从来不喜欢跑步。
    He never likes running.
  • funny
    funnier funniest
  • 这里的每一个人英文歌都唱的很好
    Everyone/Everybody here sings English songs well.