
Christmas revision

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  • Are bargains really cheap or very expensive?
  • Where does the tradition of hanging shocks come from?
    Germany, it is a dutch legend
  • Which country was the first in introducing the Christmas Tree?
  • What year was born Santa Claus
    In the 280 year.
  • Which is the most traditional song in Christmas?
    Jingle Bells
  • Do you know the name of the object in the picture?
  • Can you give a synonym of hiking trails?
    paths to walk along
  • Christmas.............on................ 1. was created / 721 B.C 2. has been created / 336 B.C 3. was created / 336 B.C 4. will be created / 190 B.C
    3. was created / 336 B.C
  • Which are the three traditional colours of most Christams decorations?
    Red, green and gold
  • What is the name of the rednose reindeer of Santa Claus?