
Sprout 1 - B3 Lesson 7 & 8

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  • What is teacher's favourite Vietnamese food?
    Bun thit nuong
  • What is the name of the story about pickles?
    Pickle Power
  • What is another science experiment that you could do?
    Make a volcano, make a rocket, make slime, make a telescope etc.
  • Why can some fruits/vegetables power a light bulb?
    Because they allow electricity to flow through them.
  • Spell this word
  • What 2 things does the boy put IN the pickle?
    A nail and a paperclip
  • What country is teacher from?
  • What is teachers last name?
  • True or false: Lightning is strong enough to kill someone
  • Spell this word
  • What is 'prey'?
    An animal that another animal hunts to eat it
  • What are 2 things you should do if there is a lightning strike?
    Stay inside, don't go near trees, turn your power off etc.
  • A pickle works like a _________
  • What is another word for shock? (when talking about electricity)
  • What type of fruits can power a lightbulb?
  • What month did teacher come to Vietnam?
  • What does "What's the matter?" mean?
    What's wrong? OR Why are you sad/angry?
  • What is the name of the event where students show different experiments?
    Science Fair
  • What are the names of the two children in the Pickle Power story?
    Kate & Andrew
  • True of false: an apple can power a light bulb
  • What are teacher's 2 favourite WESTERN foods?
    Burritos & Dumplings
  • What are 2 reasons why eels use electric shocks?
    Two kill their prey OR to find out if prey are nearby
  • Name 3 foods that can power a light
    Pickles, lemons, limes, potatoes, oranges etc.
  • Name 5 appliances that are in a house
    Microwave, fridge, kettle, TV, playstation, computer, lamp, radio, air conditioner