
Changes on the surface of the Earth.

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  • The magma goes up through a vent, the volcanic ______ and emerges through the crater.
  • Name of the openings where magma comes to the surface.
  • The removal of soil and rock material by wind, water or ice is called.
  • 3 parts of a volcano
    3 of this options: magma, volcanic cone, mantle, crater, chimney, mantle.
  • Changes of the surface of the Earth originated internally.
    Volcanoes and earthquakes.
  • In the desert, the wind carries sand and deposits it to form sand dunes, this is an example of...
  • ______ produce gigantic waves that are often very destructive.
    Tsunami or seaquake.
  • When magma, liquid rock, comes to surface, it is called...
  • When earthquakes occur under the ocean floor, they are called...
    Seaquakes of tsunamis.
  • When the crust of the Earth is broken, it can cause...
    Mountain chains to emerge, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.
  • Some changes are caused by the internal forces of the Earth. These forces can break the ______ of the Earth.
  • Lava, gases and rock fragments accumulate around the crater and form the ______ _____
    Volcanic cone
  • It's caused when water and wind wear down land surfaces and change the landscape.
    Weathering or erosion.
  • Earthquakes can change the ______ of an area in minutes.
  • The movement of eroded material is called...
  • Name of a famous volcano located outside Mexico City.
    The Popocatepetl.
  • Name of the movements of the crust of the Earth that are caused by internal forces.
  • Earthquakes are caused by internal or external forces?
  • Mention at least 3 parts of volcanoes.
    Volcanic cone, magma, mantle, conduit or chimney, lava and crater.
  • Processes which leave eroded materials in other places.
    Depositon and sedimentation.
  • Large mass of snow, rock, mud, that detaches suddenly and moves rapidly down a slope.
  • When the waves beat against a cliff, it gradually erodes the cliff is an example of...
  • Changes of the surface of the Earth are originated externally as a result of...
    Erosion, transport, depositon and sedimentation.
  • A result of depositon and sedimentation are the...
  • Circular opening on the top of the volcano.
  • A large mass of snow, rock, or mud is called...
  • Rivers and seas cary sand and pieces of rock, this is an example of...