
American Revolution

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  • The violent clash between British troops and a Boston mob occurred on March 5, 1770.
    Boston Massacre
  • Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea into Boston's harbor.
    Boston Tea Party
  • How did the colonists start the French and Indian War?
    They crossed the mountains into French territory to gain more land.
  • Author of the Declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jefferson
  • How did women or non-whites help during the Revolutionary War?
    Possible Answers: Women dressed up as men or participated in no-fighting roles (nurses). Non-whites enlisted, Crispus Attucks potentially started the massacre
  • The Battles of Lexington and __________ were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.
  • French military officer who led troops in the Battle of Yorktown
    Marquis de Lafayette
  • Town in Virginia where British General Cornwallis formally surrendered on October 19, 1781
  • Group of delegates that met in Philadelphia in 1774 to protest the Intolerable Acts. The Congress urged a boycott of British imports and create militias for each colony.
    First Continental Congree
  • a statement made by the King stating the colonist could not move west of the Appalachians
    Proclamation of 1763
  • These acts required colonists to buy items legally from Britain (example: paper, tea, glass, and lead).
    Townshend Acts
  • Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
    George Washington
  • Which Continental Congress wrote the Declaration of Independence?
  • What two groups did the colonist fight against?
    French and Native Americans
  • The Proclamation of 1763 forbid the colonists from doing something. What was it?
    Crossing the mountains to expand their lands
  • King of Great Britain during the American Revolution
    King George III
  • Famous midnight rider to warn colonist the British were coming
    Paul Revere
  • How many people worked on writing the Declaration of Independence?
  • Who was the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence?
    John Hancock
  • What was the first tax that the British Parliament imposed on the colonist after the French and Indian War?
    Sugar Act
  • The treaty that formally recognized the United States as a free and independent nation
    Treaty of Paris
  • Whose famous quote is "Give me liberty or give me death!"
    Patrick Henry
  • What is considered to be the first battle of the war?
    Lexington and Concord
  • Who was the infamous traitor who attempted to surrender a fort in exchange for money and a position in the British Army
    Benedict Arnold