
Great Depression

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  • Wagner Act
    Guaranteed workers the rights to form unions.
  • The New Deal aimed to...
    provide aid to many parts of the economy.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
    banned child labor and set a minimum wage at 40 cents.
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President for 4 terms (12 years).
  • The Dust Bowl during the Great Depression demonstrated the...
    impact of geography on people’s lives.
  • President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s cabinet members were smart. They were called…
    The Brain Trust.
  • President Hoover was cautious after the Stock Market Crash because he…
    Thought that the business would fix itself.
  • Which was NOT a CAUSE of the Dust Bowl?
    Overuse of machines
  • Order these events which happened first to which happened last. A) The Roaring 20's B) FDR's New Deal C) The Stock Market Crash D) Hoovervilles
  • President Roosevelt's New Deal impacted…(give 3 different areas the New Deal impacted)
    These laws impacted banking, the stock market, industry, agriculture, public works, relief for the poor, and conservation of resources.
  • President Hoover hired the Bonus Army to hand out checks to all of the World War 1 Veterans.
  • What were some criticisms of the New Deal?
    Gave too much power to the government
  • In the 1930s, shantytowns, often called “Hoovervilles” sprang up across the U.S. because of President Hoover’s...
    refusal to help the homeless.
  • Why did Americans want new leadership in the year 1932?
    People thought that President Hoover did not know what the American people needed.
  • Social Security Act
    Tax on workers and employees that would go to retired people.
  • The main reason President FDR attempted to increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court was to...
    make the Court more supportive of the New Deal programs.
  • The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
    Was a work relief program that hired over 3 million people.
  • In the fall of 1929, a wave of panic selling hit the stock market as a result of...
    sudden fall in stock prices.
  • What hardship did more than 20% of Americans face during the Great Depression?
  • What do the medicine bottles in the cartoon represent? Who is FDR trying to help in this cartoon? Was the New Deal a good deal? Why or Why not? (ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS!)
    Programs of the New Deal. Trying to help Uncle Sam (US), your opinion and defend it.
  • During this period of time, Congress passed 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation.
    1st Hundred Days
  • Fascists rose in countries like Germany and Italy.
  • Factory owners and farmers lost money due to…
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    insured bank deposits so people would not lose their money if a bank closed.