
acid base balance

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  • You are caring for a patient with type I diabetes and a serum BG of 450 mg/dL. What pH would you see on an ABG?
    below 7.35
  • the _________ maintain the hypertonicity of the renal medulla by a mechanism known as countercurrent exchange
    vasa recta
  • You are caring for a patient with severe pain and a respiratory rate of 32 breaths/min. The normal respiration rate for an adult at rest is 12 to 20 bpm. Which acid-base imbalance would your expect to find with sustained tachypnea?
    respiratory alkolosis
  • Name the acid base related condition that can result from a loss of stomach acid as can occur during vomiting or gastric suctioning
    metabolic alkalosis
  • If there is a decrease in H+ then this would drive the equilibrium reaction to the ____________
  • Stercobilins and urobilins (urochorme) are derived from a breakdown product of blood known as
  • A person is brought to the ER after passing out in a local department store. The person has been fasting and has ketones in the urine. The person has the following ABGs: pH = 7.34 PaCO2 = 43 mmHg HCO3 = 21. What is their ABG related illness
    uncompensated metabolic acidosis
  • Bilirubin is not water soluble so it is transported bound to _____________ which makes is more water soluble and is transported to the liver for excretion in bile.
  • Name the acid base related condition that can result from prolonged constipation.
    metabolic alkalosis
  • Blood flow through both kidneys is about ______________________. Means that all the blood passes through the kidneys every 4-5 minutes
    1200 mL/min
  • Type of cotransport mechanism that move two or more substrates in opposite directions across the membrane.
  • an increase in H+ will drive the equilibrium to the ____ resulting in a smaller net increase of acidity.
  • Severe lung disease (emphysema), uncontrolled diabetes, aspirin overdose, prolonged diarrhea, starvation, drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, or drinking antifreeze can cause urine to become more
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis, renal failure and aspirin toxicity can result in
    metabolic acidosis
  • In the process of Tubuloglomerular feedback, as GFR decreases, ATP release from macular densa cells decreases, causing __________of the afferent arterioles
  • Name the acid base related condition that can result from excessive H+ loss through the kidneys.
    metabolic alkolosis
  • A patient has the following arterial blood gases: pH = 7.50 HCO3 = 38 mEq/L PaCO2 = 50 mmHg. What sign/symptom might this patient exhibit as a compensatory mechanism?
  • Aquaporins are put into the apical membrane of what specific cells in response to ADH?
    principle cells
  • A normal odor for urine is a slightly "___________" (aromatic) smell. Some foods (such as asparagus), vitamins, and antibiotics (such as penicillin) can cause urine to develop an unusual odor
  • The 3 principle ketones are...
    acetone, beta hydroxybutyric acid and acetoacetic acid
  • Category of diuretics that block the reabsorption of Na+ of the ascending end of loop of Henle. More specifically it blocks the Na+/K+/2Cl- channels (NKCC) which are cotransporter (symporter) channels in the apical cells membrane.
    loop diuretics
  • Name the acid base related condition that can be caused by excessive diarrhea
    metabolic acidosis
  • Term for the extensions of the peritubular capillaries that are long vessels that parallel the loops of Henle of the nephrons
    vasa recta
  • The ureters move urine from the pelvis to the urinary bladder by a process called ___________________
  • A patient is in metabolic acidosis d/t diabetic ketoacidosis. which signs S/S would you expect to see in this patient?
    high Blood glucose, kusshmaul's breathing, disoriented
  • Name the of the nitrogenous waste products that are breakdown of purines.
    uric acid
  • The term used to describe the transport of materials such as ions between tubule cells.
    paracelluular transport
  • Part of the nephron that functions in the reabsorption of NaCl and water and contains a descending and ascending limb. More specifically it contains Na+/K+/2Cl- channels (NKCC).
    loop of henle
  • Name the acid base related condition that can result from hyperventilation due to anxiety
    respiratory alkalosis