
Pres. Continuous - Past Simple - Be going to

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  • Angela ________ (watch) TV all night.
  • Last night I ______(play) my guitar loudly and the neighbors complained.
  • Lucy didn't study Maths. She _______ (not pass) the exam.
    didn't pass
  • They ________(not visit) the museum. They are going shopping.
    aren't visiting
  • She _______ (not go) to the game tonight.
    isn't going to go
  • He ___________ (meet) his friends after school.
    is going to meet
  • _____ you ______( visit) our cousin this weekend?
    Are you going to visit...?
  • John ______ (not go) to the museum last friday.
    didn't go
  • I _______ (not play) football after work.
    am not going to play
  • _______ John _______ (play) basketball today?
    Is John going to play...?
  • Shhh! The teacher __________(try) to explain.
    is trying
  • They ______ (have) lunch right now.
    are having
  • Frances ______ (talk) on the phone at the moment.
    is talking
  • It _______ (rain) yesterday.
  • The baby _______ (sleep) in his crib now.
    is sleeping