
Igneous Rocks

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  • If the texture of an igneous rock is GLASSY, what does that mean?
    Non-crystalline or No crystals
  • Name an igneous rock with a very coarse texture.
  • FELSIC igneous rocks are rich in what 2 ELEMENTS?
    Silicon and Aluminum
  • MAFIC igneous rocks are rich in what 2 ELEMENTS?
    Iron and Magnesium
  • What is a possible crystal size in a Diorite igneous rock?
    from 1 mm - 10 mm
  • What is the difference between LAVA and MAGMA?
    Lava - at or near surface & Magma - below surface
  • What is the texture of Andesite?
  • What is the Mantra for Igneous Rocks?
    Intergrown crystals in a RANDOM pattern
  • Name an intrusive igneous rock with a coarse texture that is composed only of olivine.
  • What are the 2 products that form Igneous rocks? (see the oval on your ESRT)
    Magma & Lava
  • Name 2 minerals that make up Granite.
    K feldspar, Quartz, Plagioclase feldspar, Biotite, Amphibole
  • Name a mineral that could be in a basalt rock.
    Plagioclase feldspar, Pyroxene, Amphibole, Olivine, Biotite
  • What are the 2 processes that form Igneous rocks?
    Melting & Solidification
  • Name an intrusive igneous rock with coarse texture.
    Granite or Diorite or Gabbro or Peridotite or Dunite
  • If a rock cooled below Earth's surface, its Environment of Formation is known as ________.
    Intrusive or Plutonic
  • If a rock cooled on Earth's surface, its Environment of Formation is known as _______.
    Extrusive or Volcanic
  • True or False: Mafic igneous rocks have a high density.
  • What is the crystal size of a FINE texture igneous rock?
    Less than 1 mm
  • True or False: Felsic ingeous rocks are light in color.
  • What does VESICULAR texture mean?
    Gas pockets
  • Name an extrusive igneous rock with a glassy texture.
    Obsidian or Pumice or Basaltic glass or Scoria