
ESC1 Unit 4

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  • 上课
    (shàngkè) attend the class/ the class begin
  • 放学
    (fàngxué) release from school
  • 上学
    (shàngxué) go to school
  • 上班
    go to work(shàngbān )
  • 开车
    (drive car)kāi chē
  • 两点
    liǎng diǎn - two o'clock
  • (qù) to go
  • sit, travel by(zuò)
  • biǎo - watch
  • diǎn - o'clock
  • 现在
    xiàn zài - now
  • 起床
    (qǐchuáng) get out of the bed
  • kè - quarter (of an hour)
  • 出租车
    taxi, rental car(chū zū chē)
  • 我三点吃饭。
    wǒ sān diǎn chī fàn。I eat at 3 o'clock.
  • líng - zero
  • 晚饭
    dinner-wǎn fàn
  • (vehicle)chē
  • 午饭
    lunch-wǔ fàn
  • 睡觉
    (shuìjiào) to sleep
  • 汽车
    car(qì chē)
  • 火车
    train(huǒ chē)
  • (chī) eat
  • 几点
    jǐ diǎn - what time
  • 早饭
    (zǎofàn) breakfast
  • 地铁
    subway(dì tiě)
  • 吃饭
    chī fàn (to eat)