
Energy transfer

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  • What source of energy is non renewable, but not a fossil fuel?
    Nuclear (Uranium 235)
  • What is the force used by the brakes of a bike, to transfer kinetic energy into thermal energy?
  • Friction is a force which transfers energy in what form?
    Thermal (heat) energy
  • A cars brakes transfer the kinetic energy of a moving car into what type of energy?
  • What is the name of the movement energy store?
    Kinetic energy
  • What type of energy is stored in fuels such as coal?
    Chemical energy
  • Can energy be created?
    No, only stored or transferred
  • Name three sources of energy which are fossil fuels
    Oil, Coal and Natural Gas
  • Energy from the sun is transferred to earth as what type of energy?
  • When a tennis ball is drop it transfers gravitational potential energy into which type of energy?
  • What type of energy is stored in a sandwich?
    Chemical Energy
  • What type of energy is store in the nucleus of an atom?
    Nuclear energy
  • When you burn coal, the chemical energy is transferred as what type of energy?
    Thermal + Light
  • By what process does heat energy move through a vacuum?
  • What is the name of the energy store when objects are up high?
    Gravitational potential energy
  • By what process does heat energy move through a solid?
  • Name 3 sources of renewable energy
    wind, solar, wave, tidal, geothermal, gravitational potential energy
  • By What process does heat energy move through a gas or liquid?
  • A TV transfers electrical energy in to what 3 types of energy?
    Light, Sound and thermal
  • What type of energy is transferred around a circuit?
  • What type of energy is store in a battery?
    Chemical Energy