
Appropriate vs. Inappropriate Interactions

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  • You are kind and respectful to new people you meet
  • Yelling at someone to "shut up" because they're being annoying
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Staring at someone or something that they are wearing
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Grabbing someone on the arm or hand to get their attention
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Asking a classmate or coworker about their favorite video game
  • Asking a classmate about what they are doing afterschool
  • Telling your teacher that you like their shoes
  • Continuously getting closer to someone when talking to them even though they are taking steps away from you and showing you with their body language that they are uncomfortable
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • You find out a classmate's email address and you send them 10 emails a day.
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Telling people details about personal or intimate relationships
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Telling your supervisor, teacher, or coworker that they are "beautiful"
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Asking someone about their religion
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • You talk to a cute girl in your PE class and ask her what her name is?
  • You take money from the Moor Friends coffee shop so you can buy a bag of chips.
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Starting a conversation about your hobbies (ex: cooking, hiking) outside of work
  • Touching someone's hair or face while talking to them
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • You have a crush on someone at school and you decide to follow them to all of their classes to see them
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Making fun of someone's name and telling them "It's weird" during a Moor Friends meeting
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Asking someone what their plans are for the weekend
  • You really want a toy that Ms. G has in her speech room so you decide to take it while she isn't looking
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Making on topic comments during a group conversation
  • Having pictures of coworkers, teachers, or supervisors on your phone WITHOUT their permission or knowledge
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Asking a classmate you don't know for their address
    INAPPROPRIATE-- What should you do instead?
  • Talking about poop during a class discussion 
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • You are playing a game of Uno with your classmates and you get upset when you lose. You throw your cards down and start crying.
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • You smile and wave to your friends when you see them in the hallways at school.
  • Someone cheated during a game of flag football so you tackle them and yell to "Stop cheating!" 
    INAPPROPRIATE- What should you do instead?
  • Staying about an arm's length away from someone when communicating with them