
WW5 Lesson 3 review

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  • What's the opposite of carnivore: plant eater, mammal, giant, swimmer?
    plant eater
  • What's the opposite of premature: wise, childish, smart, late?
  • What's the opposite of preserve: fence, destroy, restore, forget?
  • What's the opposite of puny: large, quiet, loud, grumpy?
  • What's the opposite of ferocious: noisy, fierce, mild, amusing?
  • One way to preserve strawberries is to: eat them, make them into jam, throw them away?
    Make them into jam
  • Dodo birds are extinct. This means they are: hard to find, very interesting, no longer exist.
    No longer exist.
  • In the fog, the road signs were obscure. This means they were: hard to read, too bright, too far apart?
    hard to read
  • What's the opposite of an extinct volcano: uninteresting, unattractive, multiple, live?
  • What would a carnivorous animal want to eat: grass, wild branches, fruit, meat?
  • Today's turtles are similar to their ancestors. This means they: are like other animals that share their environment or have not changed much in a very long time?
    Have not changed much in a very long time
  • Scammers prey on older people. This means they: hunt them, trick them, give them stuff.
    trick them
  • What's an example of an ancestor? sister, cousin, great-grandma, granddaughter?
  • What's the opposite of prey: followers, relatives, hunters, pests?
  • What's the opposite of obscure: playful, exciting, clear, important?
  • Every passenger survived the accident. This means: no one was hurt, no one died?
    No one died
  • The man in front of me obscured the movie screen. True or false: He made it difficult to see.This means he
  • What's the opposite of gigantic: enormous, tiny, bland, crude?
  • What's the opposite of optional: required, exciting, simple, difficult?
  • To comprehend a poem is to: write it, understand it, discuss it thoroughly, recite it?
    understand it
  • The purpose of a comprehension exam is to test your: writing, math, speaking, understanding?
  • We played for the duration of the night. That means: we played at the beginning of the night or we played the whole night?
    We played the whole night.