
The Scarcity Problem

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  • Give and example of an opportunity cost that you experienced with your time.
    Answers will vary.
  • What is an economic good?
    A good that is scarce and has a price.
  • What is your opportunity cost of being in this class?
    Answers will vary.
  • What is scarcity?
    Unlimited wants + Limited Resources = Scarcity
  • What is a possible opportunity cost of taking a gap year after school?
    Answers will vary.
  • True or False: Economic Goods are produced from scarce resources and have a price.
  • Why do you think we have limited resources?
    There are not enough resources to meet our wants. The resources are finite.
  • The new Playstation 5 is out but you haven't got enough money to buy it. What type of scarcity is this?
    Relative Scarcity
  • What type of good do you think education is?
    Economic good
  • True or False: Opportunity cost is the cost of making choices.
  • Give an example of relative scarcity.
    e.g. I don't have enough money to buy ....
  • True or False: People have limited wants.
  • What do we give up when we make a choice.
    The opportunity to get the alternative option.
  • You can either go fishing or swimming. Which one do you choose? What do we call the other one in Economic terms?
    Opportunity Cost
  • The tomato crops were damaged due to flooding and now there are no tomatoes to buy. What type of scarcity is this?
    Absolute Scarcity
  • True or False: The Basic Economic problem is called opportunity cost.
  • Give an example of a free good.
    e.g. rain, sea water, sunshine
  • How can a free good become an economic good?
    When someone spends money on marketing and selling a free good it becomes an economic good. e.g. picking and selling wild flowers.
  • Is water from a natural spring, bottled and sold in the shop, and Economic of Free good?
    Economic Good
  • Is infrastructure a free good or an economic good?
    Economic good