
7th grade Study Guide

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  • What happen in the reading He-y Come on Ou-t?
    The is a big hole in the flor and people start throwing garbage and nuclear waste
  • What is the meaning of stillness?
    absence of noise or motion
  • Mention an example using colon (:)
    anser will vary
  • What is the mening of Bligth?
    Something that spoils, prevents growth, or destroys
  • What is the meaning of maladies?
    Illnesses or diseases
  • What is the meaning of consequences?
    a result or effect of an action or condition.
  • What is the meaning of disposal ?
    the action or process of throwing away or getting rid of something.
  • Mention an exmample using Brackets [ ]
    answer will vary
  • What is the meaning of resolved?
    firmly determined to do something/ something done
  • Mention an exmaple using semicolon (;)
    answer will vary
  • What is the meaning of puzzled?
    Confused and unable to understand something
  • What is the reading Silent Spring about?
    People that has illnesses for pesticides
  • What is an argumentative text?
    When someones present a point of view and support his ideas with facts
  • What is the meaning of stricken?
    very badly affected by trouble or illness
  • Mention an exmample using parentheses ( )
    answer will vary