
Unit 7 Review (2 ESO)

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  • Have you ____ been to London?
    Have you ever been to London?
  • Translate into Spanish: Nasty
    Desagradable / Asqueroso
  • Irregular verb: buy/___/___
  • Irregular verb: ___/grew/___
  • Translate into Spanish: Take part in a carnival
    Participar en un carnaval
  • How do the parents feel?
  • Translate into Spanish: Silly
    Tonto / Bobo
  • Put the words in order: dad/yet/come/hasn't/my
    My dad hasn't come yet
  • Translate into Spanish: Forget things
    Olvidarse de las cosas
  • Not know where you are
    Get lost
  • Present perfect: The class _____ already _____ (begin)
    The class has already begun
  • What is this?
    Go on a cruise
  • Is this sentence correct? - The little bird has never flied
    No. The correct sentence is: The little bird has never flown
  • Irregular verb and meaning: ___/___ /run (___)
    run/ran/run (correr)
  • What are they doing?
    They are putting out a fire
  • What is this?
    Fail a test
  • We can do this in a lake or a river
    Row a boat
  • Not tell the truth
    Tell lies
  • This helps us to fight when we are in danger
    Take lessons in self-defence
  • Is this sentence correct? - My friends never have seen a horror film.
    No. The correct sentence is: My friends have never seen a horror film.
  • Present perfect: Where ___ you ___ (go) this week?
    Where have you gone this week?
  • Translate into Spanish: Go abroad
    Irse al extranjero
  • I haven't seen my cousin ___ 2010.
    I haven't seen my cousin since 2010.
  • Dangerous thing that artists do in a circus
    Walk a tightrope
  • My mum has played the piano ___ 3 years
    My mum has played the piano for 3 years
  • What did he do?
    Break a record
  • Irregular verb and meaning: fall/___ /___ (___)
    fall/fell/fallen (caer)
  • Translate into Spanish: Feed a wild animal
    Alimentar a un animal salvaje
  • How is the dog feeling?
  • Sad or worried about something
  • Put the words in order: arrived/have/just/home/we
    We have just arrived home
  • What are they doing?
    They are performing in a circus