
Electricity and Magnetism

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  • Neutrons have a
    neutral charge
  • The constant movement of electrons between atoms is called
    electric current
  • What can attract magnetic objects through other substances?
  • Earth's magnetic field protects us from
    solar radiation
  • What determines if a substance is magnetic or not?
    The direction of an orbit
  • The magnetosphere extends from the
    north pole to the south pole
  • Name two common electromagnetic inventions
    high speed trains, electric bells, speakers and microphones
  • In order to produce electricity, a force is needed to make an electron
    leave its orbit
  • What is an example of a magnetic material that attracts magnets?
  • What is the magnet in shape of a rectangular bar called?
    bar magnet
  • Who called his invention an electrodynamic rotary device?
  • When an electron leaves its orbit, the atom becomes
    positively charged
  • The study of how electricity and magnetism are related and how the interact with each other is called
  • The first electric motor is also called a
  • The north pole is .... charged
  • What charges don't repel each other?
    a positive and a negative charge
  • The north pole of the needle is ..... to the magnetic north pole of the Earth
  • Permanent magnets have
    two poles
  • We can identify a magnetic by testing if is ......
    is repelled by another magnet
  • The magnetic north pole of the Earth is actually the. .... of the magnetosphere
    South pole
  • Protons have a
    positive charge
  • Iron fillings can be used to show ........... of the magnetic field
    the location and direction
  • In a stable atom there are the same number of
    protons and electrons
  • What is an invisible force between two magnetic objects?
  • A nucleus has
    neutrons and protons
  • The magnetic field is ........ near the poles
  • The red end of the needle of a compass will always point
  • The .......... is attracted to the electromagnet and hits the bell
  • Which magnets can't be switched on or off?
    Bar/Permanent magnets
  • Who noticed that an electric current affects a compass needle?
  • All matter is made up of ....
  • Particles with the same electric charge
    repel each other
  • Electrons have a
    negative charge
  • Who discovered the electrodynamic molecule now called the electron?
  • The magnetosphere protects life on Earth by ............ solar radiation.
  • A magnet that moves can produce electricity with a
  • The centre of the Earth is made of
    liquid iron
  • This is an example of an
    electric circuit
  • Many modern inventions use
  • What is this diagram called?
    a magnetic field
  • What train uses magnets to levitate and move forward?
  • Who discovered that electricity and magnetism are related?