
5th Grade- Unit 9

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  • Is he rollerskating now?
    Yes, he is (rollerskating)
  • What is he doing at the moment?
    He is brushing the monkey.
  • What is he doing now?
    He is sleeping.
  • What is it doing at the moment?
    It is watching TV.
  • Are you standing now? If not, what are you doing ?
  • What is she doing?
    She is taking photos.
  • What are they doing now?
    They are dancing.
  • Are you donating money now ? (negative answer )
    No, I am not (donating money).
  • What is the farmer doing right now?
    He is milking the cow.
  • Is it jumping right now?
    Yes, it is (jumping).
  • What is the panda doing now?
    It is climbing a tree.
  • Are they walking ? If not, what are they doing?
    No, they aren't. They are running.
  • Is she dancing now? If not, what is she doing now?
    She is reading a book.
  • What is he doing?
    He is feeding the kitten.
  • Are they playing soccer? If not, what are they playing?
    No, they aren't. They are playing baseball.
  • Is she having lunch now?
    No, she isn't (having lunch).
  • What is he drinking now?
    He is drinking milk.
  • Make this sentence positive: He isn't cleaning the barn at the moment.
    He is cleaning the barn at the moment.
  • What is he doing?
    He is watering the vegetables. (He is growing vegetables).
  • Unscramble the words: a bike - are - riding - now - we .
    We are riding a bike now.
  • Unscramble the words: eggs - she - right now - is - collecting ?
    Is she collecting eggs right now?
  • What are they doing?
    They are bathing the dog.
  • Make this sentence negative: I am cleaning the house now.
    I am not cleaning the house now.
  • What are you doing now?
    ... :))
  • Is she listening to music ? If not, what is she doing?
    No,she isn't. She is singing.