
Callan revision_IGOR

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  • What is the superlative of good?
    the best
  • There are a few people. Right or Wrong?
  • Which is (quick): a bike or a motorbike?
  • What´s the past of think?
  • I have a few work today. Right or Wrong?
  • My lunch (not smell) bad on Monday.
    My lunch didn´t smell bad on Monday.
  • weeks/me/ago/you/know/Did/two ?
    Did you know me two weeks ago?
  • Is whisky a weak drink?
    No, whisky is a strong drink.
  • Keď nevieš, koho by si mal voliť, nemal by si voliť.
    If you don´t know who you should vote, you shouldn´t vote.
  • What is the superlative of a few?
    the fewest
  • Čo robíš? Som učiteľ.
    What do you do? I´m a teacher.
  • What is the comparative of little?
  • Si vždy ochotný pomôcť iným ľuďom?
    Are you always willing to help other people?
  • Si smädný v tejto chvíli?
    Are you thirsty at the moment?
  • Toto nie je ani stolička, ani stôl - toto je kniha.
    This is neither chair, nor table - this is a book.
  • I can ... the cars in the street. Listen or Hear?
  • Aké ovocie a zeleninu si si kúpil na trhu?
    What fruit and vegetables did you buy at the market?
  • Čo si si priniesol do práce včera?
    What did you bring to work yesterday?
  • Čo teraz robíš? Sedím a počúvam Funrádio.
    What are you doing? I´m sitting and listening to the Funradio.
  • I (not leave) work late yesterday.
    I didn´t leave work late yesterday.
  • I´m ... to the radio now. Listening or Hearing?
  • What is the comparative of bad?