
Ancient India Vocabulary

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  • Harappa
    India’s first civilization, located along the Indus River
  • Vedas
    a collection of religious poems, myths, and hymns that influenced Hinduism
  • Metallurgy
    the science of working with metals, which was founded in Ancient India
  • Jainism
    a religion founded in India by Mahavira that promotes nonviolence
  • Karma
    the effect a person’s actions have on their soul
  • Asoka
    Mauryan king who extended his rule across most of India and prioritized the well-being of his people
  • Hinduism
    a major world religion that developed in India from the Vedas
  • Aryans
    a group from Central Asia who moved into India and established Vedic society
  • Sanskrit
    an important language of Ancient India
  • Moksha
    achieved when one is released from the cycle of rebirth
  • Buddhism
    a religion centered around the teachings of the Buddha
  • Siddhartha Gautama
    a prince who discovered enlightenment and became known as the Buddha or the “Enlightened One”
  • Ahimsa
    nonviolence and respect for living things
  • Monsoon
    a wind pattern that influences the climate and leads to wet and dry seasons
  • Chandra Gupta II
    leader who expanded the Gupta empire and strengthened the economy
  • Reincarnation
    the rebirth of one’s soul
  • Caste System
    a social order that has determined one’s place in Indian society
  • Chandragupta Maurya
    a military leader who founded the Mauryan Empire
  • Subcontinent
    a large part of a continent
  • Sikhism
    a monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak that promotes honesty and equality
  • Mohenjo-Daro
    one of the largest Harappan cities
  • Nirvana
    a state of peace that is free from suffering and desire
  • Meditation
    focusing one’s mind on spiritual ideas
  • Dharma
    one’s spiritual duties