
Apologia Marine Bio mod 15

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  • What is bycatch?
    the unwanted fish and other marine creatures caught during commercial fishing for a different species.
  • What are the two types of costal areas where fishing resources are the richest?
    Areas of costal upwelling- greatest supply of nutrients, Wide continental shelves - easy to get to by man
  • How are most clupeoid fish utilized?
    because of their small size, they are mostly ground into a fish meal that is used as a protein supplement for other foods
  • Why do we look for Tuna that says "dolphin safe"?
    when a pod of dolphins was spotted, there would be a school of yellow fin tuna right below them, so a net was used to catch the tune (and dolphin)
  • What are clupeoid fishes?
    Small plankton eating fishes that travel in large schools. Anchovies, sardines, herrings
  • describe purse seine fishing
    fishing that uses a net, called a seine, that hangs vertically in the water with its bottom edge held by weights, and a draw string at the top to close it
  • What is a non renewable resource?
    Resources that are not capable of replacing harvested numbers. minerals, natural gas,
  • What is a renewable resource?
    Resources that can naturally replace harvested numbers.
  • Why do we eat so much tilapia in America?
    Marketing - advertisers gave it a more appealing name (Cherry Snapper)
  • What is open mariculture?
    farming marine organisms where conditions are subject to weather, pollution and changing seasons
  • What are the benefits and risks of closed mariculture?
    more controlled, risks: dense populations-disease, accumulation of waste, very expensive, can't accommodate organisms with changing needs
  • What is a longline?
    floating mainlines extending for 100km on the ocean surface, mainline has 2000 vertical lines with baited hooks.
  • What is closed mariculture?
    farming marine organisms where the environment is completely controlled by the farmer
  • What is a maximum sustainable yield?
    the size of a natural population at which it produces a maximum rate of increase, typically at half the carrying capacity.
  • What is reverse osmosis?
    a water purification process that uses a partially permeable membrane to separate ions, unwanted molecules and larger particles from drinking water.
  • What is this?
    turbines that harness the energy of ocean waves and turns it into electricity
  • describe trawling.
    a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net through the water behind one or more boats. dragging it on the bottom
  • What is a sustainable yield?
    The number of individuals in a population that can be harvested without reducing the size of the population or letting it grow
  • What is mariculture?
    The use of farming techniques to grow and harvest marine animals and plants
  • What are gadoid fishes?
    large bottom dwelling fishes. Cod, pollock, haddock and Hakes
  • What is the difference between mariculture and aquaculture?
    aquaculture is related to freshwater, mariculture is identified with seawater
  • How does marketing help us manage our marine resources?
    Creative marketing to consumers increases demand for fish that may not initially be attractive to certain cultures
  • What is an exclusive economic zone?
    Resources found up to 200 miles off shore belong exclusively to that country