
Force and Motion EOG Review

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  • What does a steep line on a distance/time graph mean about an object's motion?
    Moving fast
  • If I have a glass of water that weighs 10 grams, and I add 5 grams of Kool Aid, how much will the mixture weigh?
    15 grams
  • If an object is traveling west, and a gust of wind pushes it hard in the same direction, what will happen to its speed?
    It will go faster
  • What is the rubbing force that creates heat, and slows down an object?
  • The speed of an object is graphed using what two measurements?
    Distance and Time
  • Breaking a stick, ice melting, and coloring on a piece of paper are all examples of __________.
    Physical change
  • What force pulls object down?
  • What is the speed and direction of an object called?
  • What do you call the change in an objects speed or direction?
  • The amount of matter that an object is made of is known as________.
  • Paper burning, metal rusting, and pennies oxidizing are all examples of _________.
    Chemical Reaction
  • The three main states of matter are ____________.
    Solid, liquid, and gas
  • If I hit a golf ball softly, then I hit a second golf ball as hard as I can, which one will go farther?
    Golf ball number 2
  • What is the vocabulary word for this law of motion: an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by a force, an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by a force?
    Inertia, or Newton's First Law of Motion
  • A horizontal line in a distance/time graph means what about an objects motion?
    It is stopped or not moving
  • If you apply the same force to two different objects, which one will move faster, the object weighing 1 pound, or the object weighing 5 pounds?
    1 pound object
  • When an airplane flies, it is going to be slowed down by what force?
    Air resistance
  • If I build a balloon car whose body weighs 3 grams, the wheels weigh 2 grams, and the balloon weighs 4 grams, what does the entire car weigh?
    9 grams