
Revision Unit 4

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  • :D You are lucky, you just got 5 extra points. :D
    Will you take it?
  • Translate: Bárcsak ne vennéd kölcsön folyton a cipőimet!
    I wish you wouldn't borrow my shoes all the time.
  • Name 5 parts of a house that are visible from the outside
    balcony, conservatory, fence, patio. porch. shutters. etc.
  • Say a formal expression for "very important"
    a high priority
  • Use "rather" to say: I don't really want to stay at home. + I want you to do the shopping
    I'd rather not stay at home. + I'd rather you did the shopping.
  • Make or do? X a suggestion / X a mess / X the cooking
    make / make / do
  • Translate: "Ez a legnagyobb kúria amit valaha láttam"
    This is the biggest mansion I've ever seen
  • Say an idiom for sleeping in the street
    sleep rough
  • Finish this sentence in a grammatically correct way: "The more you work...."
    E.g. "the more you earn."
  • Rephrase this sentence with a double comparative: Houses are becoming increasingly expensive in London.
    Houses are becoming more and more expensive in London.
  • Say a formal expression for "go up a lot"
    increase sharply
  • Name 5 rooms of a house
    living room, dining room, bathroom, bedroom, larder, attic, kitchen, etc.
  • say try hard using the word "make"
    make a big effort
  • Say a formal expression for "need help"
    Require assistance
  • Translate: Bárcsak ne kéne visszamennünk a suliba.
    If only we didn't have to go back to school.
  • Translate: Ha több pénzem lenne, vennék egy nádtetős házat vidéken.
    If I had more money, I would by a thatched cottage in the country(side)
  • Use "better" to say: You should go home now. + We shouldn't gather without our masks on.
    You'd better go home now. + We'd better not gather without our masks on.
  • Name 5 types of houses
    bungalow, detached house, farmhouse, houseboat, mansion, mobile home, thatched cottage, semi-detached house, etc.
  • Say a synonym to describe houses for each: uncomfortably small, far from other places, large, in a very bad condition.
    E.g.: cramped, remote, spacious/substantial, dilapidated
  • Say "help" using the word "hand"
    Give somebody a hand
  • Say ignore using the word "blind"
    Turn a blind eye to
  • Rephrase "This is the tiniest house in the road" using the word "spacious"
    This is the least spacious house in the road.
  • Make or do? X sy good / X a difference / X damage
    do / make / do
  • Translate: Bárcsak a szomszédok abbahagynák a hangos építési munkákat.
    If only the neighbours would stop the loud building work.